Our Process

Idea & Start

Design & Create

Build & Finish

WELCOME.. ! WE ARE West Bay Contracting Co.

WBC excels in providing high-quality Project Solutions in the fields of Electra-Mechanical and interior Fit-Out/FF&E. Our expertise covers all aspects of project management, including defining business requirements, developing functional specifications, system design, and overseeing development teams to meet the specific needs of clients/customers. With exceptional functional and technical proficiency, coupled with deep industrial knowledge, WBC is the preferred provider for interior fit-out solutions. Emphasizing partnership with our clients/customers, we are committed to delivering optimal results, prioritizing performance, work quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness at every step. Our overarching objective is to consistently exceed the expectations of our clients/customers, establishing pride in being collaborative partners in the journey of transforming their spaces from Concept to Finish.

Our Services

"We respect the past,
...................... Create in the present,
...................... And looking confidently to the future"
